How is my property valued?
Property valuations aim to reflect market value and are based on how the market has performed in the prior calendar year. The Date of Valuation is 1 January, valuations come into effect on 1 July each year.
Mass appraisal is the primary valuation methodology adopted in South Australia and across many parts of the world. Through the course of the year, Land Services SA collect data, undertake research and analysis with the aid of sales evidence and market reports on behalf of the Valuer-General.
Properties that are similar in nature, possibly due to locality, land size, property type, vintage, size of equivalent main area and use are grouped into sub-market groups.
The research and analysis is utilised to indicate how the market has performed relative to each of those sub-market groups. The result of such analysis is the adoption of an index which is applied to every property within that particular group. There are over 2,300 sub-market groups in South Australia and whilst some might have similar indices applied, each and every one is analysed separately.
Our Property Valuations - Understanding the Process fact sheet is available for further information.
What does the value of my property mean for my rates notice?
Whilst the Valuer-General determines property values, she does not determine rates and taxes. However, rating and taxing authorities may utilise these valuations, combined with other factors, to determine your rates and taxes each financial year.
To find out how rating and taxing authorities determine their rating position see:
How to find your property's valuation
Your property's value can be found via:
- Statutory authority notices such as council rates, water and sewerage rates or Emergency Services Levy and land tax (where applicable)
- South Australian Land Information System (SAILIS) - online land and property information
What is the difference between Site Value and Capital Value?
Capital Value is the value of a parcel of land including improvements such as:
- buildings and structures
- wells, dams and reservoirs
- planting of trees for commercial purposes
Capital Values are used to determine:
- Council rates
- Emergency Services Levy
- Water and sewerage rates
Site Value is the value of the land including site improvements such as:
- draining
- filling
- retaining walls
- excavating
- grading or levelling of land
- removal of rocks, stone, sand or soil
- the clearing of timber, scrub or vegetation.
Site Values are used to determine:
- Land Tax